Retarget or miss the mark?
With Google planning to phase out third party cookies by 2023, brands will start adapting their social advertising over the next year in the build up to the death of cookies. There are thankfully a number of advertising options that don’t rely on third party cookies so all is not lost, it’s just a case of fine tuning your activity accordingly. Social platforms still provide marketers with the opportunity to target users with personalized ads, and then there are things such as email marketing and search engine retargeting.
More in-platform purchases
From a conversion perspective, having the opportunity to make a purchase straight after finding the product on social media is a no brainer. Making potential customers navigate to a website is just an extra step where they have the opportunity to fall out of the conversion funnel.
Influencers are the key to success
The number of influencers/creators online has boomed during the pandemic with people looking for alternative sources of income and something to fill their spare time. These creators won’t be on the same level as the huge influencers with millions of followers, but anyone who creates content for social media.
Short form is the long game
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that short engaging content that instantly grabs your attention is key on social media, this has always been the case. However, this is becoming more extreme with shorter form content dominating the world of online video. This again is likely a result of the growth of TikTok. Originally the platform only allowed 15 second videos to be uploaded. This has changed over the years and the maximum length is now 3 minutes, but shorter videos still dominate the space.
